Zoë, Adam and Jin found one another as they were all being guided to align to their higher purposeful path. They were all drawn to one another and supported each other in their personal challenges as they were raising their vibrational frequency. Once they came together and began building their strong foundation, they were so grateful to have one another to lean on and offer a different perspective. They understood how lonely this path could be and were wanting to find others to build deep, meaningful friendships with. Their shared vision of creating a strong, supportive, high vibrational community is what lead to the creation of Resonate Events. Two things happened when this vision was formed. First, they discovered so many gifted people who were helping aid others in their own self-discovery and healing. They wanted to offer a supportive space for them to share their talents, knowledge and experience. Secondly, they were drawing in so many people who were being called to align to their own unique gifts, talents and healing path and were seeking guidance. Their hope is that these events will resonate with those who are wanting to build higher vibrational friendships and connect those who are being guided to their purposeful paths. 

Zoë Klemik

Bio for Zoë

Adam Linn

Bio for Adam

Jin Dalsin

Different Picture...